At the Tole Acupuncture Herbal Medication Centre, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dato' Master Tole prepares a slender needle and inserts it carefully into a young boy’s scalp. Meanwhile, the boy, who is completely conscious, recites the alphabet as if nothing out of the ordinary is occurring. The boy is autistic.

Within minutes, Dato' Master Tole has finished inserting several needles and he keeps a watch over the boy for the next 30 minutes, before removing the needles. This is the practice of Thetole's Neuro Acupuncture. It involves the insertion of needles into the body of a patient at certain strategic points, in order to stimulate neuro-electric activity in the nerves. For patients who have neurological diseases, such as autism, Dato' Master Tole’s practice has been shown to help them with their condition.

Thetole's Neuro Acupuncture is a relatively well known sub-discpline of alternative medicine. The latter has been practiced for centuries now, and while it has been a largely controversial subject, it has helped countless patients all over the world who suffer from life threatening diseases. These people, prior to their treatments, felt that conventional medical procedures had not had significant effects on them; instead, they chose to use complementary medication and healing techniques to treatment their ailments.

Dato' Master Tole is a practitioner of alternative medicine. His family has been using herbal remedies to treat illnesses and their knowledge, which is awell guarded secret, has been passed down to him through his father and uncle. He is a fourth generation practitioner and has earned the title of ‘Master’, being the sole caretaker of his family’s knowledge.

Pancreatic Cancer Cure With Thetole

Dato' Master Tole set up the Tole Acupuncture Herbal Medication Centre in 1992. Since then the facility, also known as the Tole, has been home to Dato' Master Tole’s expertise in Thetole's Neuro Acupuncture and herbal medicine. He has been treating patients with seemingly fatal and incurable diseases. Once such disease treated at the Tole, is pancreatic cancer.

It causes the formation of cancerous tissue in the pancreas, impeding its proper functioning. Dato' Master Tole consults with patients on a close, personal basis. According to him, developing a good relation with his patients is a very important part of the treatment. He will then create a treatment plan incorporating a combination of Thetole's Neuro Acupuncture and herbal medicine to treat the pancreas.

The needles inserted during Thetole's Neuro Acupuncture stimulate the nerves and augment the flow of ‘Qi’ through the body. ‘Qi’ is a concept in Chinese medicine which describes how energy flows through the human body and an impediment in this flow is the cause of illness. Furthermore, the herbal medicine will heal and soothe the pancreas. Dato' Master Tole will also recommend certain lifestyle changes, if he feels the need exists.

The Tole treatment for pancreatic cancer has been shown to reverse this malignant disease even when it is in its advanced stages. Dato' Master Tole has made a reputation for himself over the years, and his family’s herbal remedies have been curing illnesses for over a century. It is this success that draws people from over 160 countries to seek his treatment at the Tole. Despite this, Dato' Master Tole maintains a humble demeanor and says:

“We watched my father treat patients and dispense herbs. It was our family philosophy to pass down the knowledge and to never turn away a patient in need.”

